
Now you’re eating!
-Pizza Hut

30 ratings, 92 votes30 ratings, 92 votes +30

Never Follow

30 ratings, 62 votes30 ratings, 62 votes +30

Technology presumes there’s just one right way to do things and there never is. ~Robert M. Pirsig

30 ratings, 60 votes30 ratings, 60 votes +30

If cheerleading is so easy…why can’t you pick up any girls?

30 ratings, 54 votes30 ratings, 54 votes +30

Land of the Fee, Home of the Slave

30 ratings, 44 votes30 ratings, 44 votes +30

The blood you donate gives someone another chance at life. One day that someone may be a close relative, a friend, a loved one—or even you.

30 ratings, 44 votes30 ratings, 44 votes +30

it’s the hour of the 2nd power.

29 ratings, 131 votes29 ratings, 131 votes +29

Family is Like Brownies – mostly sweet with a few nuts.

29 ratings, 63 votes29 ratings, 63 votes +29

A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.

29 ratings, 57 votes29 ratings, 57 votes +29

Vitamin D is D-lightful

29 ratings, 53 votes29 ratings, 53 votes +29

Abortion: One heart stops, another heart breaks

29 ratings, 41 votes29 ratings, 41 votes +29

Our family is a circle of Love and Strength

29 ratings, 41 votes29 ratings, 41 votes +29

Swimming is a sport, everything else is just a game

29 ratings, 41 votes29 ratings, 41 votes +29

Jesus loves the children of the world, the born and the unborn.

29 ratings, 34 votes29 ratings, 34 votes +29

Irrational Numbers Make Me Crazy!

28 ratings, 198 votes28 ratings, 198 votes +28

Feel the need….the need to Red.

28 ratings, 150 votes28 ratings, 150 votes +28

The more people I meet , the more I like my chihuahua

28 ratings, 96 votes28 ratings, 96 votes +28

The power of Dreams

28 ratings, 90 votes28 ratings, 90 votes +28

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain. ~J.K. Rowling

28 ratings, 60 votes28 ratings, 60 votes +28

The earth is 75% water but I only need one lane to kick your butt!

28 ratings, 54 votes28 ratings, 54 votes +28