
Get Your Lips on Root 66 Root Beer
-Root 66 Root Beer

0 ratings, 0 votes0 ratings, 0 votes 0

The Original Key Lime Cola
-Havana cola

0 ratings, 0 votes0 ratings, 0 votes 0

Barq’s has bite
-Barq’s root beer

0 ratings, 0 votes0 ratings, 0 votes 0

The sign of Experience
-Hasson Company Realtors

0 ratings, 0 votes0 ratings, 0 votes 0

Edina Realty. Beyond the sale
-Edina Realty company

0 ratings, 0 votes0 ratings, 0 votes 0

The Original Key Lime Cola
-Havana Cola

0 ratings, 0 votes0 ratings, 0 votes 0

American Luxury

0 ratings, 0 votes0 ratings, 0 votes 0

Isn’t it time for a real car?

0 ratings, 0 votes0 ratings, 0 votes 0

Blood’s thicker than water

-1 ratings, 55 votes-1 ratings, 55 votes -1

Turkey, potatoes and peas
cranberry sauce and cookies
all these goodies we will eat up
and on the couch we will windup

-1 ratings, 29 votes-1 ratings, 29 votes -1

It’s about the business write-off.

-1 ratings, 27 votes-1 ratings, 27 votes -1

Party right with Bud Light
-Bud Light

-1 ratings, 27 votes-1 ratings, 27 votes -1

If your kids were hungry, you’d have snuck across, too!

-1 ratings, 23 votes-1 ratings, 23 votes -1

If life piddles in your pool of dreams, add chlorine and keep swimming

-1 ratings, 23 votes-1 ratings, 23 votes -1

No human being is illegal. Stop the madness.

-1 ratings, 21 votes-1 ratings, 21 votes -1

Easy as Dell

-1 ratings, 21 votes-1 ratings, 21 votes -1

It’s Miller time!

-1 ratings, 21 votes-1 ratings, 21 votes -1

If I’ve only one life let me live it as a blonde!

-1 ratings, 19 votes-1 ratings, 19 votes -1

Brewed with Pure Rocky Mountain Spring Water

-1 ratings, 19 votes-1 ratings, 19 votes -1

From a Common Thread

-1 ratings, 17 votes-1 ratings, 17 votes -1