
Bank on me. Will treasure your vote.

90 ratings, 420 votes90 ratings, 420 votes +90

By being a bully you show everyone what an inferior coward you are.

90 ratings, 220 votes90 ratings, 220 votes +90

It is only the ignorant who despise education.

89 ratings, 335 votes89 ratings, 335 votes +89

Love is like fire, whether it will warm your heart or burn your house down, you never know.

89 ratings, 259 votes89 ratings, 259 votes +89

If you want more than two children, adopt

87 ratings, 185 votes87 ratings, 185 votes +87

Your potential. Our passion

85 ratings, 235 votes85 ratings, 235 votes +85

Click clack front and back.

Click clack front and back

85 ratings, 173 votes85 ratings, 173 votes +85

Books: Food for the Brain.

85 ratings, 171 votes85 ratings, 171 votes +85

A spill, a slip, a hospital trip
A spill, a slip, a hospital trip

84 ratings, 146 votes84 ratings, 146 votes +84

Vote for me and all of your wildest dreams will come true! -Napolean Dynamite

83 ratings, 627 votes83 ratings, 627 votes +83

What goes around comes around.

83 ratings, 207 votes83 ratings, 207 votes +83

No bottles to break – just hearts.

82 ratings, 302 votes82 ratings, 302 votes +82

Use Your Brain, Being A Bully Won’t Gain

81 ratings, 167 votes81 ratings, 167 votes +81

Algebra- weapon of math instruction

81 ratings, 157 votes81 ratings, 157 votes +81

Animals are your neighbors on this earth- respect them!

81 ratings, 155 votes81 ratings, 155 votes +81

My imaginary friend thinks you have some serious problems

79 ratings, 149 votes79 ratings, 149 votes +79

You’re Somebody’s Type

78 ratings, 140 votes78 ratings, 140 votes +78

Bulling is bad.. Don’t make others feel sad

77 ratings, 181 votes77 ratings, 181 votes +77

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.

76 ratings, 128 votes76 ratings, 128 votes +76

I don’t have a license to kill. I have a learner’s permit.

76 ratings, 124 votes76 ratings, 124 votes +76