Throughout the years soda companies have created clever and memorable soda slogans to encourage people to buy their soda. Be sure to vote for your favorite from the list of Soda Slogans.

Drink Coca-Cola
-Coca Cola

-1 ratings, 11 votes-1 ratings, 11 votes -1

Three Million a Day
-Coca Cola 1917

-1 ratings, 9 votes-1 ratings, 9 votes -1

Wherever you are, whatever you do, wherever you may be, when you think of refreshment, think of ice-cold Coca-Cola
-Coca Cola 1942

-1 ratings, 5 votes-1 ratings, 5 votes -1

Coke Adds Life
-Coca Cola 1976

-1 ratings, 3 votes-1 ratings, 3 votes -1

Six Million a Day
-Coca Cola 1925

-2 ratings, 8 votes-2 ratings, 8 votes -2