Always Coca-Cola
-Coca Cola 1993

One fiddler you won’t have to pay.
-Sanka Coffee

See the USA in your Chevrolet!

Follow my nose it always knows
(Spoken by Toucan Sam)
– Fruit Loops Cereal

Is ready when you are
– Delta Airlines

So delicate. So Beautiful.
-Estée Lauder Beautiful

We’re Hot and on a Roll.
-Zero’s Subs

We don’t make it until you order it.
-Jack in the Box

The only way to obtain healthy and strong teeth

The toothpaste for people who can’t brush after every meal.

Coca-Cola…along the Highway to Anywhere
-Coca Cola 1949

Hummer. Like Nothing Else.

Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick?

Let desire lead you
-JLo Deseo

Accuracy to seconds a month.
-Pulsar Watches

Maximum Energy, Maximum taste
-Jolt Cola

Pearl Drops…See the Whiteness. Feel the Shine.
-Pearl Drops

The closer, the better
-Close Up

Citi. Live Richly

Can’t Beat the Real Thing
-Coca Cola 1990
