Power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely

corruption corruption go away leave my country, this I pray

An end to corruption is my plan, if you join me friends, I’m sure we can.

God loved the birds and created trees, humans loved the birds and created cages

Feed it, don’t eat it

Polluted by Corruption leads to our destruction

if you are not part of the solution; then you are the problem.

Take out the blindness, show a little kindness, evolve up the ladder, get conscious- animals matter

There are two ways to lead a life, 1. Do nothing and suffer the consequences, or 2. take the responsibility to change it

Character is best shown when nobody is watching.

Eat beans not beings

Honesty pays Honors and Corruption Dishonors

No Country is Perfect, You need to make it better.

Animals are my friends and I don’t wear my friends

There is no excuse for animal abuse

If we don’t catch you, God will

Corruption: eating away from the inside out.

Be honest and fight corruption.

With Corruption, everyone pays

Corruption robs us all
