Lifting up with hands of help

Share life. Donate blood.

Who will speak up for the little ones

Don’t turn your back to those in need.

Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

Blood. It’s in you to give.

Give blood—stay healthy.

Si se Puede (Yes it can be done)

You get it back in three days and save a life too.

CHOICE: It’s to die for. Literally.

Give the gift that costs nothing to give.

You can make a Difference, so why dont you?

Deport illegal immigrant criminals, let the rest stay. (Most illegal immigrants don’t sell drugs and don’t commit crimes)

The devaluing of women and children is the deepest root of abortion. We need to UPROOT!

Giving is the best therapy!

Strong communities are built on safe blood.

We need each other. Please give blood.

Good blood helps sick people get better.

Don’t let the blood center run dry!


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